
Staying Clean & Safe While You Cowork

Best practices to stay clean & safe in coworking spaces amidst COVID



October 27, 2023

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Cleanliness has never been more important now than ever before. With the spread of COVID & the awareness of COVID safety protocols, organisations are doing everything they can to reduce the spread of the deadly virus which in turn brings in more footfall into their public spaces. According to WHO, it’s important to stay away from the 3 C’s when choosing a safe environment to enter into… 

But with everything these spaces are doing, there is always more we, as responsible citizens & users of these spaces can do to protect not only ourselves, but those around us as well.

Best Practices for Safe Coworking

1. Be aware of your health first

It’s never selfish for you to prioritise your health over those of your coworkers. Before deciding to leave your home for anything be it work, groceries or exercising, it’s important to take stock of your COVID vitals. These include your temperature & blood oxygen level as well as your levels of fatigue, lethargy, body pain, & senses of taste & smell, which could all be indicators of COVID. Don’t leave home if you’re experiencing any of these & isolate until your symptoms go away or you test negative on a COVID test.

2. Invest in a coworking space that focuses on COVID safety

The good news is that most coworking spaces today have inculcated COVID safety practices into their daily routine to offer safe spaces for WFH employees to work from. Despite this, look for places which not only appear clean but are certified with global health standards like 2gethr which was the first Indian coworking space to receive the WELL health-safety certification ensuring the highest standard of safety & hygiene. Places with a lot of open space, good ventilation & spacious seating need to be heavily considered; let’s face it - isn’t it worth it to spend a little extra on a coworking space that goes the extra mile to keep you safe?!

3. Clean up before & after yourself

Readers, it’s time to take a rule out from every great chef’s book - “Clean as you go.” Although coworking spaces tend to promise regular cleaning of all public spaces, you can do your bit & clean everything you touch with alcoholic wipes or disinfectant sprays before & after you use it. Keeping the space around you clean & clutter-free also ensures a better work experience after all! If you’re eating or drinking something, dispose of your waste (food, cups, plates, tissues etc.) before moving onto something else. This also means that you’re doing your bit to leave the space clean for the next user, just the way you’d like it. I mean, isn’t that a reasonable expectation?

4. Carry your own stationary

I know coworking spaces provide stationary to use, but if you do want to stay as clean as possible, use as many of your own items as possible. Carrying your own stationary is not only convenient but a precaution you can take to ensure that the things you’re holding (& possibly putting in your mouth) have only your germs, & not someone else’s. Feel free to use the pens & pencils provided, but remember to sanitise it & your hands after using them. 

5. Restroom safety & hygiene

“Is the bathroom clean?” “Are the toilets decent or should I just hold it until I get home?” - the age old questions asked by quite possibly 98% of women worldwide. Technology has saved us in the situations where it’s impossible to run home to relieve yourself! Even if the restrooms in public spaces seem to be clean, don’t risk it. Just don’t. Check out Amazon, Flipkart & your local supermarkets for disposable products from Pee Safe & Pee Buddy which are affordable & can be used to solve your restroom qualms. Ladies, please (I beg you!!) dispose of your waste neatly so we aren’t greeted by a scene from Jaws. & men, there is no competition to see who waters the metaphorical garden more - aim better!

6. Create a micro-bubble within the coworking space

Coworking spaces offer a variety of designated areas to work from. To feel even safer, try creating your own micro-bubble of people you know & trust to be COVID safe & clean. Find a quiet workspace with minimal footfall to work in with your team. In these instances, you may find yourself feeling less stressed about hygiene & the chances of the virus spreading because you know what they’re up to & how safe they’re really being when they aren’t with you. Micro-bubbles also work in private spaces like your homes - calling a few friends or coworkers home to work alongside you is stimulating, energising & motivating, especially if everyone is being safe. An added bonus is that IF someone does test positive, it’s easier to notify everyone exposed if you know them personally.

Do Your Bit For You & Everyone!

Coworking spaces can be great places to work from in safe quarters because nowadays, most of them offer a wide variety of features which align with COVID safety, making our working lives a lot safer. But in the larger sense, keeping yourself safe is the best way to keep everyone else safe. Be responsible for your own wellbeing & for those around you, & inculcate clean living practices into your life. Stay clean & stay safe, everyone!

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